5 Greatest Film Scores Of All Time

1. Taxi Driver - Bernard Herrmann

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx4aK-YsPeU I promised there would be one more Bernard Herrmann score on this list. While the Taxi Driver score isn't as recognizable as the others I've mentioned, it's certainly worthy of inclusion. Herrmann is the greatest film composers who ever lived and he creates his finest score with Taxi Driver. He uses the ominous brass sounds at the beginning of the film to give the audience a sense of foreboding that's almost palatable. Taxi Driver is a film all about atmosphere and Herrmann never fails to deliver in that category. By using the saxophone at one point, he is able to give the audience a sense of the New York City that Travis Bickle so despises with a glamorously, dark melody. The score works perfectly at depicting Travis' frayed psyche at each critical moment in the film without ever being overbearing. The music also permeates the scenes and gives them all a unified quality while brilliantly painting a dark yet romantic world for Travis to live in. Thanks so much for reading and I'd love to hear some of your favorite film scores in the comments.
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My favorite movies are Before Sunrise, Pulp Fiction, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien and Her so don't be surprised to see those pop up in my writing from time to time. I'm currently in school for Journalism/English and I have an obsession with all things cinematic on the side.