5 Greatest Flamethrower Moments In Film

4. The Thing (John Carpenter, 1982)

With the amount of time Kurt Russell spends brandishing his flamethrower in John Carpenter's The Thing it's a small wonder he never set his mighty beard on fire! That guy used enough fire to melt the polar ice caps and to this day is blamed for the sudden rise in sea level since 1982. Maybe. In a world covered in ice it is the flame that is king, when the residents of an Antarctic research station go toe to toe with a shape-shifting alien being that seemingly cannot be killed. And when the man behind that flame was one of the coolest cats of the 1980's you just know you're in for some top-notch fire-breathing badassery. So cool in fact was Russell's turn as R.J. MacReady it made him the second most iconic flamethrower-user of all time, but even this doesn't qualify him to make it beyond the number four spot, which should indicate exactly how awesome our three remaining moments truly are.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.