5 Hong Kong Category 3 Nasties

3. Dr Lamb (1992)

09.03.2013lamb 1 Lam, a deranged taxi driver develops the urge to kill every night that it rains. He abducts a lot of women and he likes to take photos of their dismembered bodies as mementos. Inspector Lee is on the case... In Hong Kong over the summer of 1982, a taxi driver - Lam Gor-Yu killed women he thought were 'dirty' on God's perceived instructions. He was caught after he made the foolish move to get his film reels developed in a shop. An employee was sufficiently alarmed by the photos to call the police. The film is told as a series of flashbacks and begins with Lam being arrested in the camera store. The police rough him up and he begins to tell them about his murderous activities. Aside from murder, there is dismemberment, torture and necrophilia. The violence and gore would definitely be too much for a mainstream audience and it is indeed, unpleasant. Simon Yam is amazing in the role of the psycho killer - he is in fact a bit too convincing, but he has played many roles like this in Hong Kong cinema. The film is stylish with great cinematography making use of the rainy nights, neon signs and the colour blue. It is not the goriest, most perverted or most suspenseful Cat 3 film, but Dr Lamb is an engaging portrait of a serial killer (does that sound like another film?). The acting is excellent and the film is well crafted. It does enough to satisfy gorehounds and lovers of weird Asian cinema. A commendable effort but hard to find it its uncut form.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!