2. 28 Days Later
We witness some pretty terrifying moments in Danny Boyles 28 Days Layer. With rage infected killing monkeys, a holy priest that isnt so holy, infected people that run faster than Olympic athletes and deranged little infected kids getting hit with baseball bats. So its pretty safe to say Danny really did capture the terror of the rage virus. So with all these juicy moments which one can possibly be awarded the moment that made everyone look away. The winner is the moment when Jim (Cillian Murphy) had the one on one with the rapist soldier Mitchell (Ricci Harnett). Jim saved no time getting straight to business with Mitchell and savagely smashed his head against the wall and stuck his thumbs in his eyes. There was no need to ask or even look if that hurt, the horrific scream of Mitchell pretty much says it all. Put me in a ring with Mike Tyson and Id rather get one his Tysons knockouts to the face than me stuck in a room with Jim here. Talk about over reacting I thought the infected soldier he released in the house would got Mitchell here but nope Jim had other ideas.