5 Inanimate Objects In Movies That Were Given Human Names

2. Fred The Mannequin (I Am Legend)

fred-i-am-legendI Am Legend followed military virologist Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville, as he struggled to survive as the last living human in New York city. A viral outbreak of a variant of the measles virus (meant as a cure for cancer), had mutated into a lethal strain. It spread throughout the world, killing 90% of humanity while the remaining 588 million survivors became predatory and vampiric beings called 'Darkseekers'. The Darkseekers would emerge after dusk to prey on those immune to the virus. Having spent a number of years living alone, with only his dog Sam for company, Robert had placed shop window mannequins in positions that made them look like regular human customers, which made him feel as though there were other people around and thus less lonely. One of these mannequins, which he had named 'Fred', appeared outside and even appeared to move. It is open to interpretation whether he had placed Fred outside and forgotten about him, or if Fred had been placed outside by the Darkseekers as a trap. Either way, it resulted in Robert getting caught, nearly dying himself and losing his beloved dog. Damn you Fred.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.