5 Major Plot Predictions For Star Wars Episodes 8 & 9

2. The Prequels Will Be Fixed And Canonised At The Same Time


Immediately following the release of the first liked Star Wars film since 1983, many fans decided to read The Force Awakens opening line "This will begin to make things right" as a meta jab at how the sequels were going to right the wrongs of the prequels. Maybe, although I wouldn't say that means they're going to totally ignore them.

After all, the follow-up line is "Without the Jedi there can be no balance in the Force." That notion of "balance in the Force" was first introduced in The Phantom Menace and went on to define Anakin's fall the the Dark Side, which doesn't show a desire to run away from Episode's I-III as fast as possible, does it? In fact, I would say that Disney's long-term goal with Star Wars is to create a brand that is fully unified, so with the sequels they're both moving on from the prequels while not totally disregarding what they brought to the table (think of how Creed turned the painfully camp Rocky IV into emotive backstory).

We may never get hear midichlroians or see Jar Jar celebrating the destruction of the First Order, but various key elements the prequels added to the mythology form some part in the ongoing story, albeit with an eye to fixing it. Don't be surprised if, when all's said and done, the sequels are read metatextually as canonising the prequels as much as they were distancing themselves from them.

There's the idea of Luke struggling with the Jedi way, looking into the Order's past through their first Temple, fighting a villain who's tied into pre-Empire events (which Snoke is, even if he probably isn't Plagueis) and also how we'll have an alternative rhyming structure between Kylo Ren and Anakin, but there's one bigger thing that could be addressed...


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.