5 Major Plot Predictions For Star Wars Episodes 8 & 9

3. Episode IX Isn't The Last Episode


I didn't think it needed saying, but the reaction to Bob Iger insinuating as much last year clearly means it isn't as accepted a fact as it seemed; Episode IX isn't the end of Star Wars. Disney didn't buy Lucasfilm just to have another legacy marketing empire in their pocket (although that sure helped in the decision); they shelled out $4.05 billion so they could craft an entire new mega-franchise to sit snuggly alongside the MCU and their homegrown properties.

And while the Star Wars Story enterprise is clearly an attempt to ensure the saga can expand outside of the standard Episode structure and The Force Awakens being marketed sans "Episode VII" title (despite that name carrying so much weight amongst fans) suggests Disney don't want to be stuck solely the rigid blueprint George Lucas originally laid out, with the new generation of stars so well received it's a safe bet we'll be getting an Episode X sooner rather than later.

Of course, how exactly things can continue after Episode IX is probably a hot topic of debate over at Lucasfilm - once you get to Episode XII, do you still continue and go full soap opera or then choose to call it a day - but while the brand is the hottest name in town it's certain they'll try and find a way to do more. Heck, even if Disney do at any point say IX is where it's all done, don't you believe it - we heard to same thing about VII for the longest time, and look where we are now.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.