5 Marvel Characters Kim Soo-Hyun Could Be In Avengers: Age Of Ultron

1. Wasp

Wasp One of the founding members of the Avengers (and the one to name the team "The Avengers" way back in the Silver Age) and ranked by Marvel.com last year as the fifth greatest Avenger of all time, Janet Van Dyne has been noticeably absent in the Marvel Cinematic Universe €“ until now? With Ant-Man gearing up, but still no Wasp announced, this could be Marvel's way of introducing the character in an ensemble movie before moving her into the Ant-Man series of films. The Ant-Man movie (which would follow Age of Ultron) looks to focus primarily on the Ant-Men €“ Scott Lang, Hank Pym and maybe Eric O'Grady? €“ so Wasp could be kept to the side as one too many oddball/new characters to introduce with an eye to developing her in later movies (you know there's going to be an Ant-Man 2!). But Wasp/Janet Van Dyne was a white Anglo-Saxon protestant, hence the playful nature of her name, you say? In the Ultimate comics Wasp was an Asian/American and Kim Soo-Hyun speaks English well with a strong American accent €“ Marvel could well go with the Ultimates version of Wasp. Wasp's powers include being able to shrink or increase her size thanks to Pym particles and she is a core member of the Avengers. It's high time Marvel introduced this great character into the movies and an Asian/American superhero could be just what they need, especially given the growing importance of Asian markets to Hollywood today. * Which character do you think Kim Soo-Hyun will end up playing in Avengers: Age of Ultron? Let us know in the comments below!

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