5 Massive Events None Of Us Are Looking Forward Too (But Will Watch Anyway)

1. Star Wars: Episode VII

star-wars-episode-vii-logo-Why We Didn€™t Ask For It Star Wars Episodes IV-VI are classics. Hands down. People who have never even seen them (such people do, sadly, exist) know what they are and can probably quote (or misquote) dozens of lines of dialogue. And say what you will about the prequel trilogy, there€™s no denying that it brought the story full-circle. The key word here, though, it circle, because according to George Lucas himself (check out the documentaries on the Attack of the Clones DVD), the Star Wars saga is about the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. That story has been told in its entirety; I don€™t know anyone who, after having seen Episodes I-VI walked away thinking, €˜Boy, I hope they tie up all those loose threads in the next one€™. There weren€™t any. At least, none that would warrant a whole new movie. Or three. We accept that Anakin brought balance to the force, that the Empire has been destroyed, that Luke will rebuild the Jedi order, and that Han and Leia will stay together. Why We€™ll Definitely Be Seeing It For one thing, it€™s all but official that Luke, Leia, and Han will be returning. Who doesn€™t want to see that reunion? Secondly, it€™s reportedly being helmed by none other than J.J. Abrams, who€™s more than proven he knows his way around a sci-fi franchise or two. Thirdly, lightsabers are freaking awesome.
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Introverted extrovert, aspiring author and professional Dorkasaurus. When I'm not writing I can be found skateboarding, reading, or writing. I may or may not carry a Sonic Screwdriver with me at all times.