5 Most Awesome Scene Stealing Severed Hands Ever

1. Deadite Hand (Evil Dead 2, 1987)

Whether you've seen Evil Dead 2 or not if you're a movie fan then you'll be familiar with Ash Williams' possessed right hand. It's the creepiest, funniest and most offensive disembodied hand of all time and for the small amount of time it actually spends on screen it is widely remembered as a key character - yes that's right - in the entire Evil Dead franchise. So loved is the Deadite Hand that fans were eager to see whether it returned in the 2013 remake but sadly it did not. So good is Williams' former hand that it has it's own personality, flips it's former body the bird and even kills a character in the pivotal final moments of the film. In fact without the interference of Deadite Hand the whole Evil Dead saga could have been wrapped up in 2 movies but alas Ash was sucked away into a vortex and wound up battling the Deadite nasties one last time. We've included the hand's first appearance in its entirety for you so you can see exactly why it sits atop our list of scene stealing hands. If you can honestly think of a hand that does a better job (easy tiger) then let us know in the comments box below.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.