5 Most Unlikely Time Travellers From Film and TV

1. The Time Bandits & Kevin - The Time Bandits OK, so they're called Time Bandits. They travel through time robbing valuable items from time. That's their job. So it's not such a surprise they travel through time, but what is surprising however is the identities of the bandits themselves - a merry bunch of misfit dwarfs and a young boy named Kevin who tags along for the ride. Along the way the bandits encounter Robin Hood (John Cleese) who turns out to be an absolute bum hole as well as battling an evil sorcerer named, um, well, named Evil actually who chases them throughout time including the Napoleonic Wars and the sinking ship known as Titanic. Ever heard of it? The Time Bandits may indeed be a classic piece of British fantasy film making but it's protagonists are no less unlikely.

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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.