5 Movie Critics Who Tried (And Mostly Failed) To Make Movies

2. Harry Knowles

Harry Knowles is arguably the most well-known film critic to be born out of the boom of the internet. He began Ain't It Cool News before an endless plethora of movie websites popped up and his general love of movies has earned him a loyal following ever since. He still reviews films to this day on Ain't It Cool News, but for a brief time the man tried to be a movie maker. In his review of John Carter (2012), Knowles revealed that he had worked at Revolution Studios and Paramount Pictures for a brief time trying to make projects as a consultant/producer/screenwriter. One of the many projects he worked on was John Carter before there was a John Carter. None of Knowles' projects ended up becoming reality. The closest was John Carter, but that ended up in development hell before Disney made it a reality in 2012. So despite being asked by studios to consult on their projects, Knowles gave up on film-making rather quickly and returned to running his site and reviewing movies in his unique fashion. The closest Knowles comes today to entering the creative realm of movie making is producing and starring in his own internet show called Ain't It Cool where somewhat understandably, he reviews movies.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.