5 Movie Critics Who Tried (And Mostly Failed) To Make Movies

1. C. Robert Cargill

C. Robert Cargill reviewed movies for various websites including Ain't It Cool News with Harry Knowles under the pseudonym Massawyrm. Cargill describes his time as a film critic as his own film school because today he considers himself to be a screenwriter instead. Cargill left movie reviewing behind and teamed up with Scott Derrickson to write the horror movie hit Sinister for Blumhouse Productions around 2010. That film was released in 2012 and a sequel was greenlit not too long after the theatrical run. Cargill is apparently attached to the sequel, but there hasn't been much official movement on the project since its announcement. Since Sinister, Cargill has taken to writing novels (one published, one on the way). He's the one movie critic on this list that may have a bright future in movie making ahead of him, but then maybe not given that Sinister is his only real credit. What do you think readers? Do movie critics have the right to criticize without creating first? Also, know any other critics that tried making movies and leaving their reviewing behind? Sound off in the comments below!


Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.