5 Movie Geeks Who Scored With Hot Chicks

2. Wayne Campbell & Cassandra (Wayne's World)

Waynes World I was never a fan of Wayne Campbell's other half in the Wayne's World movies. For me, Cassandra always felt like one of those awful rich chicks who rebelled against their parents by becoming a rock musician. You know the type. Campbell, on the other hand, was a bum who refused to get a job but somehow made himself famous by presenting a low budget TV show on public access television from his mom's basement. There's no question that Wayne did well for himself because Cassandra is undeniably hot, but if you ask me, she's one of those people who leaches off the success of another for their own gain. In other words, she's willing to have a "relationship" with Wayne as long as he's the host of a popular TV show. It's free exposure, after all. That's why she's so quick to move on when she meets Rob Lowe's sleazy record producer. Lowe might be an ass, but it makes way more sense for him to be with Cassandra than it does Wayne... and deep down, Wayne knows it.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.