5 Movies That Turned Out To Be Mostly About Matthew McConaughey's Abs

5. Fool's Gold (2008)

Story 29084 29084 Xlarge Would you like to watch a film where Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey are attractive treasure hunters searching for lost Spanish loot while slowly forgetting the obvious reasons their characters got divorced and making out in inappropriate places? No? Yeah, me neither - but what if we throw in at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted shirtless McConaughey action? Now we're talking. Clearly the makers of Fool's Gold didn't even try to cover up the fact that they were hungover at the big Monday meeting. The film essentially relies upon a series of hugely unlikely situations involving rappers, bored millionaires, and treasure, dabbled with a few clichéd "we love each other but we don't" characters, and a guarantee of seeing a good amount of McConaughey man-flesh to hold the whole thing together. If you were to write an honest synopsis of Fool's Gold it would read something like this: film where Matthew McConaughey is topless almost 44% of the time in some appropriate (the sea) and inappropriate (a bar) places.

Writer from North Yorkshire who likes commenting on Film, TV and Pop culture.