5 Movies You Only Watched For Disgusting Scenes

Some scenes are just too gross to miss.

Teeth movie
Roadside Attractions

Despite the often ridiculous amount of money pumped into marketing campaigns during the build up to a movie's release, one of the most important factors is simply word of mouth. A prime example is Fant4stic. In 2015, the marketing made this reboot look like something worth watching, but when reviews starting coming out and people first went to see it, the box office projections soon plummeted.

This can be the downfall of a lot of bad movies, but sometimes, there can be just one scene that makes that movie worth watching. For one reason or another, these scenes stick in the memory and become infamous.

Just like there are movie scenes too good, too bad, or too bizarre to miss, there are those that are simply too disgusting to miss. There is something about a wince inducing, gag-worthy scene that makes it just impossible to look away.

Whether it is self mutilation, brutal murder, or bedroom antics gone wrong, these scenes are enough to make you spend two hours getting through a movie, just to watch a mere two or three minutes of action.

5. Gerald's Game

Teeth movie

Over the last few years, more and more of Stephen King's novels have been adapted by Netflix, including In The Tall Grass, 1922, and in 2017, Gerald's Game. Based on the novel of the same name from 25 years before, Gerald's Game follows Jessie and Gerald's journey to rekindle the spark in their marriage.

Though it plays as more of a psychological thriller as Jessie deals with her demons with no means of escape, there is one gory, tough to watch scene that stands out from the rest.

After handcuffing his wife to the bed in their remote log cabin, Gerald suffers a fatal heart attack, leaving Jessie trapped. Eventually, able to reach and smash a glass of water, she takes a shard and literally skins her own hand, allowing her to slip free of the handcuffs.

It's the kind of scene that makes your own hand tingle just watching it, and is the one thing that sticks in the memory after watching the movie.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.