5 Movies You Only Watched For Disgusting Scenes

2. Teeth

Teeth movie
Roadside Attractions

Though it released to mixed reviews in 2007, the horror movie Teeth has earned itself a cult classic status, thanks in no small part to its simply bizarre premise. Jess Weixler plays Dawn, a Christian activist teenager, who suffers from 'vagina dentata', a condition that is exactly how it sounds.

Throughout the movie, Dawn is abused by several different men in her life. She is raped by Tobey whilst on a date, resulting in him having his penis bitten off, and she is sexually assaulted rather than examined by her gynecologist, resulting in the loss of four of his fingers.

She later discovers that when her sexual activity is consensual, her teeth don't show. Eventually, Dawn learns to control her condition, using it for revenge on both her boyfriend, and weirdly, her step brother. Of course, none of these scenes are easy watching, but possibly the worst thing occurs after her brother Brad loses his manhood, when his dog chews it up and spits it back out.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.