5 New Characters We're Excited To See In Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

3. Mort (Christopher Meloni)

Like Liotta's Joey, a big portion of what makes Mort's cinematic leap from the graphic novels so cool is the casting of Christopher Meloni. With a solid career of television and film credits under his belt, Meloni has continually proved he's fun to watch, whether he's investigating crimes on Law & Order: SVU, trying to survive within the walls of the Oswald State Correctional Facility on HBO's Oz or even going all-in on a pair of humorously bizarre roles in the first two Harold & Kumar movies. Mort will be taking part in the titular story section of the film as Bob's new partner as they investigate the murder of Ava Lord's husband Damien. Like everyone else caught in the web surrounding Ava -- and for everyone living in Basin City in general -- things aren't going to be so easy for the duo. Though their part in the story is relatively minor, it's going to be fun seeing Meloni bounce off of Jeremy Piven's Bob. Meloni is another actor who simply feels like a perfectly natural inclusion to the series and we're happy that the character is being given life instead of being almost entirely excised as was the case in the "That Yellow Bastard" section of the first film.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!