5 Ongoing Marvel Comics That Need To Be Made Into Films
2. Zdarsky's Spider-Man: Life Story

One of the most novel concepts in recent years, seeing Spider-Man's journey from the 1960s to the present day as if the character actually aged the amount of time the hero has been around in our world has been amazing. At least judging from what's been published so far.
While a live action adaptation of this series is most likely out of the question, seeing an animated depiction,in the vein of last year's immaculate Into The Spider-Verse would mean Sony would be onto a winner.
The covers of the series are particularly distinctive and, as such, could even be used to inspire the art styles of each decade of the character's life in the on-screen version. Combine it with the spectacular animation of Spider-Verse, and the movie would be another feast for the eyes too.