5 Pixar Movies That Are More For Adults Than Children

These Pixar movies have a lot more mature content than you might remember...

The Incredibles

Beginning with Toy Story back in 1995, Pixar have released a total of twenty-two animated films. Whilst some of their releases have been a little disappointing, they’ve developed a reputation for outstanding quality over the last twenty-five years.

Several generations of children have now grown up watching and re-watching Pixar’s most iconic movies. The colourful animation, sharp humour, and fast-paced storylines are ideal for younger audiences. Indeed, some Pixar movies – such as Cars or The Good Dinosaur – are clearly more suitable for children than adults.

On the other hand, there are also some cases where the reverse is true. Pixar have never shied away from mature themes. And there are certain stories with concepts and messages that resonate with the parents far more than the children. Themes such as loss, memory, conservation, overprotection, and family conflicts have all been tackled by Pixar in the last two decades.

Sure, it would be wrong to say any of Pixar’s twenty-two animated films can’t be enjoyed by youngsters, but some of their stories are so dark they resonate with adults much more than children…

5. Up

The Incredibles

The opening scenes of Up don’t hold back in terms of raw emotion. In the first ten minutes, the audience witnesses a lifelong love story, which ends with Carl being left alone following the death of his wife Ellie.

Carl’s life as an elderly gentleman – though quite comedic – is representative of how many elderly people who have lost their loved ones live today. He lives a simple, solitary existence in which his only comforts are the memories of his late wife.

Of course, this all changes when he uses a host of balloons to fly his house to Paradise Falls – the place he and Ellie always dreamed of visiting. The scenes set in South America are more child-friendly as Carl’s mundane life is replaced with vibrant colours and the spirit of adventure.

But the heart of the film is still Carl’s wish to fulfil Ellie’s dream. Whilst it would be impossible to literally fly a house through the sky in real life, the motivation of the central character is more relatable for older audiences.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.