5 Pixar Spinoffs Disney Should Make

4. Another Superhero From The Incredibles

Brad Bird€™s multilayered superhero film remains my personal favorite of Pixar€™s productions. The Parrs are a real family with real issues, but they€™re also a fantasy family with the sort of powers I€™ve always dreamed about having. And Syndrome is an excellent antagonist as someone who has shifted from idolizing the supers to systematically picking them off with the goal of replacing them. I€™m impressed that Disney/Pixar hasn€™t forced an unnecessary sequel on us yet, because I€™d really like to keep those 5+ characters as they are in my head. But I would have nothing against revisiting this world of superheroes by focusing on a different super. We were teased with a huge list of other supers at a couple points in the film€”first when Mr. Incredible is requesting a cape for his new suit and Edna gives him several examples of supers who died because of their capes. We then see all the supers that the different versions of the Omnidroid have killed in preparation for Operation Kronos. A lot of these supers would seemingly have very interesting powers. I would be interested in taking a look at how they have endured forced retirement. Disney could use one of the supers that supposedly has been terminated and show us how he/she tricked Syndrome (much like Mr. Incredible) and is actually still alive. Or Disney could create an entirely new super. I know that the story of the Incredibles has continued a bit in comic books, and that new villains have been introduced in these pages. Perhaps a super like Plasmabolt, who can shoot bolts of plasma from the rods on the hood of her suit (and was only seen in the bonus features of The Incredibles DVD), can take center stage in the fight against new bad guy Xerek. I would be fine with Bob, Helen, Dash, Violet, and Jack Jack making a cameo in the new film, but wouldn€™t want more than that.
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I humbly claim the title of renaissance man. I am a professional writer (published playwright), college soccer coach, world traveler, crime-fighting vigilante, part-time juggler, serious hiker, coin collector, counseling student, and doting father/husband among many other roles. (OK, one of those may not be true.)