5 Potential Titles For Star Wars Episode VIII
The Force Hits Snooze?

Given how J.J. Abrams' mystery-box style of moviemaking has become Disney-era Lucasfilm's marketing modus operandi, it's unlikely we're going to get much official details on Star Wars Episode VIII for quite a while (it is twenty months away, after all). The most we really can expect in the near future is a title, which is rumoured to be unveiled on May 4th (because that pun is now an official marketing opportunity, apparently).
When it comes to Star Wars, a name means an awful lot. It sets the tone for the new Episode well in advance and defines how any entry will be referred to in the following years - the series is seven movies in (and counting), so calling any one "Star Wars" (even the one originally called just Star Wars) is just going to confuse even the most up-to-speed fan.
So, while the whole sequel trilogy is a pretty high-pressure enterprise in general, giving Episodes VII-IX the right subtitles must be one of the films' most debated elements; give fans something as confusing as The Phantom Menace and you're setting yourself up to fail.
It's likely for this reason that The Force Awakens only got its title confirmed after shooting had wrapped - as evidenced by J.J. Abrams consistently calling it just Episode VII in on-set videos, it seems like that name wasn't decided on until what the film really was had been discovered. As such, it's highly probable that Episode VIII doesn't actually have a definite subtitle yet either, with Lucasfilm execs and Rian Johnson debating furiously ahead of 4th May.
But that doesn't mean we can't have a guess. Using a mixture of rumours, fan speculation and general Star Wars naming convention, here's five potential titles for Star Wars 8.