5 Questions That Must Be Answered By Warner Bros. On DC Film Announcement

4. Is It The Marvel Plan, Or Something Else Entirely?


We already know one plan that worked just fine in building a cinematic universe for superheroes. Marvel built its Avengers-level success on the backs of a handful of solo films. There's been much more talk of a JL movie than solo movies for any character outside of Batman and Superman, so it seems Warner Bros. may be content to spinoff from rather than build up to the crossover picture. There's no rule saying Warner Bros. has to adopt Marvel's strategy in order to be successful in developing DC properties. It's the only strategy that's been tried, not necessarily the only one that can work. Regardless of which strategy and sequence of films are chosen, it would be nice to know the route Warner Bros. is taking. Anything announced will seem more likely to come to fruition if we know that Warner Bros. has indeed mapped out its next several years' worth of superhero films. The commitment to each individual film is stronger when they are all connected to one another. There must be a unified vision.

Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of ModernMythMedia.com.