5 Reasons DC Universe vs Masters Of The Universe Should Be Turned Into A Film

1. He-Man Versus Superman!

He Man Vs Superman These are two of the most iconic, mightiest and most beloved figures of heroism in fictional history. They've gone toe-to-toe before - in 1982's "From Eternia with Death" - when Superman ended up on Eternia and was mind-controlled in to fighting He-Man by Skeletor. Superman came out on top in that battle but the two heroes ended up as allies. In this new storyline, He-Man has already killed Superman but, as with every time a hero dies in the DC universe, that won't be permanent and the pair are bound to fight it out again before the arc ends. Seeing the two of them battling it out in live action would be absolutely mind-blowing - a fanboy's dream - and it's this reason that DC and Warner Brothers should seriously start thinking about bringing this story to the big screen. Forget Superman versus Batman - it's Superman versus He-Man that would make for a really epic movie. So there you have it - five reasons that DC Universe Vs Masters of the Universe should be turned into a movie. Do you agree? Would this make for a great film? What other reasons make this a potentially awesome movie? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.