Its been a decade since Guillermo del Toros adaptation of Mike Mignolas popular Hellboy comic series hit the big screens. A critical success and a mild commercial success, the film satisfied fans who were eventually treated to the even better received Hellboy II: The Golden Army in 2008. Since then, though, the series seems to have stalled, leaving fans salivating over what the future could hold based on where the sequel left off as del Toro, lead actor Ron Perlman and others have constantly flip-flopped over whether a trilogy-ender is on or not. Every few months, at least one person involved is asked about the project's status, with responses ranging from hopeful to far from optimistic, with no progress apparently having been made in the six years since The Golden Army. Fans want it. Ron Perlman wants it. Guillermo del Toro surely has countless ideas for it. It could even manage to be one of the rare sequels that breaks the infamous "third film curse." So why not take a look at five reasons Anung Un Rama and company need to make their way back to screens as soon as possible?
Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!