5 Reasons Kevin Smith Should Direct Die Hard 6

4. Less Emphasis On Noise and Action

die hard 8 The Die Hard movies may be of the action genre, but one of the pleasures of the films is their ability to rise above the genre and introduce things like humor, partnership, family, etc. It's just as pleasurable to watch McClane throw Hans Gruber off the top of Nakatomi Plaza as it is to watch McClane bond with Zeus in Die Hard with a Vengeance or try to make amends with his family in any of the five Die Hards. The newer Die Hards have put less and less emphasis on anything that doesn't involve lots of noise and explosion. The newest outing only gives us snippets of father son moments in between cars exploding and guns a blazin'. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Smith comes from a world of convenience stores and men falling in love with lesbians so his interests lie elsewhere which would only help the Die Hard franchise. Smith would be more interested in showing the dynamics between McClane and his family, McClane and whoever he happens to be partnering up with and McClane and the chosen villain whose skin he's going to crawl under. We need a director that gives us great action, but wants more from a Die Hard film because the audience wants more as well. Live Free or Die Hard and A Good Day to Die Hard were fun action films (in my opinion), but it's time to go back to the great bag of goodies that was Die Hard. Take us there Silent Bob. Plus, we know Smith can direct action. If he didn't convince you with Cop Out then please, please watch Red State. It should be all the proof you need.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.