5 Reasons Kevin Smith Should Direct Die Hard 6

3. Jay and Silent Bob Can Get a Proper Send Off

aqaq Jay and Silent Bob have been in every Smith movie save for a few. They are the guys he's famous for creating. There's even an animated movie on the way and we know they'll probably make an appearance in Clerks III. But, don't they deserve a proper send off? A perfect end to their run? Smith has toyed with these characters for decades, so perhaps a time will come for him and them to part ways. Die Hard 6 could be that time. Imagine it: Die Hard meets the View Askew universe. Jay and Silent Bob make an appearance in Die Hard 6 making snide comments about the action and how rude McClane is (perhaps he pushed them out of the way or stole their bikes or busted them for pot) and BAM! No more Jay and Silent Bob... They got in the middle of the action and ended up being collateral damage. Not something we see in everyday action movies. Just gone. Poof. Jay and Silent Bob leave this world with a bang and McClane avenges them to the pleasure of millions of Smith followers and convenience store clerks around the globe. On second thought, I love Jay and Silent Bob and perhaps this would just be horrifying and traumatic to watch. Or awesome. I'm not sure which. I just know it would be unforgettable. And that's what Die Hard 6 and Jay and Silent Bob's deaths both need to be.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.