5 Reasons Kevin Smith Should Not Retire

2. His Fans

Jay&SB Kevin Smith€™s films ooze with his personality, so much so that after viewing them you feel as if you know him. It should come as no surprise then, that he regularly fills theaters doing shows where he merely answers questions from the fans. Smith€™s View Askewniverse is as beloved by the fans on a near Star Wars-like level. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back may be the greatest fan service movie ever made. I can only recall maybe 3 or 4 movies that I was doubled over in the theater while watching, and J&SBSB was one of them. As a fan the in-jokes, Askewniverse character appearances, and winks at the camera made the film great. If Chasing Amy is the best film he€™s made, then J&SBSB is forever my favorite. The movie is unadulterated Smith at his best. A movie made with infectious glee that comes through every frame. It€™s a love letter to his fans. Smith declared that Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back would be the last appearance of the eponymous characters. They returned in Clerks 2. As a fan, I hope he reconsiders his declaration to retire the same way.
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Cristian Duran is a New York based stand-up comedian and writer. A pop culture junkie, he aims to one day become Batman