5 Reasons Lethal Weapon 5 Would Be Great

3. Shane Black

esq-shane-black-xlg Shane Black was once the master of the buddy cop movie. He wrote Lethal Weapon, The Last Boy Scout and basically every other 90s movie that mattered. Recently, he's moved on to more blockbuster fare. This year he directed Iron Man 3 and his high profile directing gigs look like they're going to continue for a long time to come. As much as I applaud the man's success, a part of me misses old school Shane Black that wrote B movies that were way too good and belonged at a drive movie theater. The guy had a knack for male bonding, shootouts and dark humor. He even directed one of his own buddy cop scripts with Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang and he did a pretty damn good job. It would be great to see Black jump ship just once and go back to his roots especially if it meant writing the next Lethal Weapon installment. Plus, perhaps now his blockbuster days will give him a bigger scope and imagination to bring to the more small scale throwback cop stories he once made his living on. I would love to see Black's script for a Lethal Weapon 5. As enjoyable as it is to see the man directing popcorn fare like Iron Man 3, it would be a treat to see flip that popcorn fare the bird and write just one more darkly humorous buddy cop movie.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.