5 Reasons Machete Kills Again...In Space Should Happen

3. More B-Actors Please

Segal Machete One of the biggest joys of both Machete movies was seeing the actors Rodriquez pulled together to turn in some great hammy performances. Most of these actors have fledgling movie careers now, so being involved with a B-movie franchise like this is all the more awesome. The first Machete gave us none other than Robert De Niro, Don Johnson and Steven Seagal in ham and egg performances. They were all great. Seeing acting chops like those go towards humour and campy lines gives the Machete movies a sense of wonderment and pleasure other films can't match. The second flick kept the B-movie actor glory torch burning as it added Antonio Banderas, Cuba Gooding Jr., Mel Gibson and others to the cast. Rodriquez seems to up the ante every time when it comes to his casts for these movies. After the strange greatness of his choices for the first two films, it is anyone's guess who he would cast in a third Machete feature. The possibilities are endless and don't we want to see more actors ham it up onscreen and get chopped to bits by Machete and his new light-saber like machete? Make sure to sound off in the comments with the actors you want to pop up in Machete Kills Again...In Space! Is Leonardo DiCaprio among them?

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.