5 Reasons Why Star Trek: Insurrection Isn’t That Bad

2. Enterprise-E

Star Trek Enterprise E Only appearing in 3 films, we don't get to see much of the E. This is one of few times we get to see this sleek and attractive ship. In First Contact we get some good shots of the ship in action during the battle with the Borg, but it's over too fast! We get to see a bit more of her in action this time against the Sona. A good space battle to me should show some sold damage being exchanged on both sides. The Borg example suffers a bit as apart from a few shots connecting with her shields as she protects the Defiant the Enterprise survives the Borg battle mostly unscathed. The Briar Patch exchange is a bit more intense due to the fact the Enterprise is really in a dangerous situation. Similarly in Nemesis, the fight with the Scimitar is pretty dramatic, outgunned and using her full spread of weapons, its one of the highlights of the average film. The whole thing with the joystick is pretty silly, but at least the shots with the gas being collected and used are well done, again we get a few more glimpses of Trek-Tech with the often mentioned but seldom seen Bussard Collectors. The destruction of the collector gives the Enterprise the space equivalent of someone getting chased down a corridor by a fiery explosion too, as it races along the hull with the explosion behind it. It's daft but I'll take it.

DradusContact misspelt 'Dradus' in his haste to snag the Battlestar Galactica themed gamertag on xbox in 2006 live and has spent every day since regretting it. He has come to far to go back now. Sci-Fi fan with a model collection so massive it can be seen from space, which coincidentally is the one thing i am running short of. I have far less time to watch films and play games than I would like so consequently any film that's less than excellent is a failure to me. You can follow me @DradusContact