5 Reasons To Be Excited For The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Why the setup for the sequel should be better...

A mere five years after the Sam Raimi trilogy concluded, we're getting a whole new dose of Spider-Man in our cinemas. The Amazing Spider-Man has finally opened in the U.S. and if you hated it, well, I don't think you would have clicked this link, If you DIDN'T hate it, well then lucky you, you get a sequel! The script is already being worked on and even though the film was just released this week it's time to start talking about why the sequel can and should be even better. In the vein of Godfather II, The Empire Strikes Back, and The Dark Knight, I think these 5 reasons will guarantee a sequel that will outshine its predecessor. Also, if it wasn't clear, most of the rest of the article is full of SPOILERS!!!!

5. High School

Now, I'm a hardcore Spidey fan. When I turned 12 I spent all of my money on Spider-Man comics AND a Spider-Man universe encyclopedia so I could research the comics and stories I couldn't get hold of So, that being said, I really like how The Amazing Spider-Man kept Peter Parker in high school instead of leaving him there for 20 minutes and then having him graduate like in the previous movies. It may not seem like a big deal, but making Peter Parker a kid changes a lot about his personality and how he deals with his new powers. In the sequel I hope we get to see some more school interactions and new classmates (maybe even...well, wait for #1). Click "next" below to read the next entry...

Mike Tenango is a college graduate with a degree in Radio/TV/Film, yo-yo enthusiast, mediocre screenwriter, and one-time gubernatorial candidate for California (write-in). He loves TV, movies, and you. Unless you're M. Night Shyamalan. I hate M. Knight Shyamalan.