5 Reasons To See Jurassic Park 3D

2. The 3D

edges_jurassic_3 (600x338) This is the best usage of 3D I€™ve seen in any movie since Avatar. The only movie in the interim that came close was Hugo. But that was shot in 3D, and what€™s especially impressive here is that this is a mere post-conversion job. The movie was never shot in 3D, but it sure as heck looks like it was. The 3D does not jump out at you; instead, like Avatar, it completely immerses you in Jurassic Park. It takes you right out of your theater seat and into the jeep beside Grant and Malcolm. When the T-Rex attacks them, you experience the danger too. When the Raptor snaps after Lex€™s leg, you feel like it€™s snapping at your leg. When Grant sees the Brachiosaur, you may as well be sitting on a patch of grass right beside him. The attractions come alive and Jurassic Park becomes not unlike a real zoo that you're driving through on a safari tour (except, y€™know, with dinosaurs). It all goes to show that post-conversion 3D can be just as effective as 3D cameras when it€™s done right, and not rushed out the door to make a buck (Steven Spielberg shames you, Mr. Lucas).

I'm an all-around film enthusiast - always have been, always will be. When I'm not writing about movies I'm sitting in a dark room watching one on my laptop. You might also find me at the local movie theater watching Christopher Nolan's new movie for the 80th time. I'm the guy in the back wearing the "It kept spinning" t-shirt. I also just started a blog called "The Dream Factory," in which I post video reviews of the latest TV shows and movies. So hopefully if you like the way I write, you'll love the way I talk. You can check out the blog here: http://aaronbaron.wordpress.com/