5 Reasons We Need A Planet Hulk Movie

4. Motion Capture Has Come Of Age

The Hulk looked great in the Avengers, and his appearance served as further proof that motion capture has finally come of age as a legitimate vehicle for serious actors to ply their trade and as a believable presentation of reality on the big screen. Perhaps Rise of the Planet of the Apes did more last year to showcase the technology than The Avengers, but John Carter of Mars also demonstrated just how good it is becoming. For me at least, seeing Ruffalo€™s face as the Hulk€™s face was awesome. The movie should therefore be shot as a motion capture and live action film along the lines of John Carter of Mars. Now, I know a lot of bad things were said about John Carter, but very little criticism was about its special effects which were excellent. That type of aesthetic would fit the Planet of Sakaar perfectly and several other leading characters could also be motion captured. Moreover, Disney must have learned from its John Carter debacle and could apply hard learned improvements to a Planet Hulk movie, both in terms of the product and its marketing to the public. Would Mark Ruffalo commit to a performance whereby the majority of his screen time is as the Hulk and not Bruce? I am not sure. I would like to think he would. He has signed a multi picture deal anyway and so has already sold his soul to the Devil, so to speak. In any case, Andy Serkis does it, and an acting giant like Willem Dafoe did it in John Carter. Come on Mark, do it for us!

Mike was once able to go a whole day using sporting cliches and famous film quotations for language. He enjoys gaming, watching football, international cinema and Hollywood blockbusters.