UPDATED: The discussion surrounding a Planet Hulk movie has been re-ignited this morning with the
rumours surfacing that the big green guy will figure heavily in The Avengers 2, setting up for his own solo film, and then an epic showdown in The Avengers 3. What do you think? Who thought the Hulk in The Avengers was the best thing they saw last summer? For me, the return of the big, green, not so friendly giant was a triumph. However, some would say his appearance only served as confirmation of his new role as a supporting character in the Marvel film universe and not his return to leading man status - I believe the time is right to bring him back to the big screen again in a solo flick. This is so, as after two mildly disappointing feature films, Marvel seems- finally- to have cracked the code for a ferocious, funny and empathetic Hulk. All he needs now is a killer story line which still fits into the Marvel film universe and his rehabilitation will be complete. The classic comic book series Planet Hulk is that vehicle.
5. The Pieces Are In Place
Right. Where are we in the grand scheme of things in relation to the Hulk? Well, he is presumably still wanted by the US Army as a lab rat, he was blamed by them for the New York incident with Blonsky and although he was part of the Avengers team which fought off Lokis army, it is clear that the jury is still out in the public's mind on whether super powered humans are a good thing. Add to the equation that there are probably about a thousand screen doors and one heck of a paint job left to do on the S.H.E.I.L.D hellicarrier after his wigging out up there, it all adds up to more than enough people who would think he is more harm than good. Plenty reason to hoodwink Bruce Banner and send him out into space for the benefit of planet Earth. Also, we have the people to do it. We already know the Avengers and a cameo by Black Widow or Hawkeye could easily set up the fake mission to send Bruces alter ego away. Remember, he went for Black Widow in the Avengers. Well, perhaps it is time for pay back? Now if Marvel decide that another movie needs to take place before then, perhaps a solo movie with the Hulk up against the Leader, or as a member of the Avengers team in the sequel, then all the better. Either way, Planet Hulk would fit perfectly into the Hulks current place in the Marvel film universe and for me, he is ready for launch.