5 Reasons Why A Reboot Of The Mask Could Be Awesome (And 1 Why It Might Suck)

2. It's Been 20 Years

Mask Carrey It's been 20 years since the first Mask movie (well, 19 to be precise, but it would be at least 20 by the time a reboot came in to fruition). That's more than enough time to introduce a brand new audience to the Mask, keeping it fresh and novel, but it's also not too long an amount of time for the youngsters who watched it back in 1994 to get excited about it now that they're adults. Essentially, it's the ideal time for another Mask movie - one to bring the brilliant franchise up to date and back to the forefront of popular culture.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.