5 Reasons Why Batman And Robin Is A Genuine Guilty Pleasure Movie
In 1997, fans of the Batman franchise eagerly anticipated the arrival of the latest installment in the series, Batman and Robin. Directed by Joel Schumacher, Batman and Robin introduced George Clooney as the Dark Knight, with Chris ODonnell reprising the role of the Boy Wonder, Robin from the previous movie Batman Forever. With Hollywood A-listers, Uma Thurman and Arnold Schwarzenegger also on board as the central antagonists Poison Ivy and Mr Freeze, the stage seemed set for a box office smash. What transpired however has been hailed as one of the worst superhero films ever made. Slammed for being over the top, hammy and generally awful, Batman & Robin witnessed a 63% drop-off in box office revenue within the first week of opening, going on to be nominated for a staggering 11 of the infamous Razzie Awards. But was it really that bad? While certainly not a classic, there are a select few gems which, when watched in the correct mind-set, makes Batman and Robin a somewhat passable, guilty pleasure addition to the Gotham legacy.