5 Reasons Why Pacific Rim Isn't Actually That Good

1. The Glaring Plot Holes

pacific rimmer I know, I know, this is the kind of film where you should be able to just go in, switch off and en joy. Well I couldn€™t do that and it was largely because a good hour and a half of this film was spent with people talking and stuff you had to concentrate on. Let€™s start with the first real problem I had; the Jaegers themselves. Why did they decide to go digital? The nuclear Jaeger, Gipsy Danger, was no less operational than any of the others. If anything it was better because if nothing else you can just activate Martyrdom when you get killed and nuke the Kaiju to death. I mean, I€™m sure nobody anticipated, quite rightly, that a Kaiju with EMP abilities would turn up but how is nuclear power not already being used quite widely anyway? The film is set in 2025, surely they€™d be looking to use alternative power sources to fossil fuels. What about Mako and her emotional problems when she first got into the Jaeger? I was expecting that to resurface at some point, specifically at the end, just as they were about to detonate the bomb, only for them to pull through and save the world. I€™m quite glad they didn€™t, but on the other hand I€™m also quite confused as to what happened with that whole thread of the story. Afterwards Raleigh tells her that everybody€™s first time is pretty bad but is that really it? She lost her Jaeger virginity and all of a sudden she€™s fine and dandy, with no mental problems whatsoever? It seems a bit abrupt and lazy to me. There was also how exactly Raleigh€™s pod managed to get back through the portal to Earth. Charlie Day explicitly said that the thing works like a barcode. You need Kaiju DNA to get through it, which is why he took a Kaiju corpse with him into the rift. That part I understood. What I didn€™t understand is just how exactly his escape pod manages to go through the rift when it doesn€™t have any Kaiju DNA on it. It€™s just a metal box. Surely it would have just bounced off the rift or been destroyed by it? It just went completely against what the scientists specifically outlined and yet everybody was fine with it. It made no sense. There are other plot holes but I€™ve probably gone on for too long about them. They all just brought me out of the film a bit, I couldn€™t help but stop and think, €œhang on, what?€ Despite these problems, I had an alright time with the film. The fighting was good, so I can take that much away from it at least, though I won€™t be rushing back to the pictures to see it any time soon. What did you think of Pacific Rim? Do you agree with any of the problems, or did you have any of your own? Let us know!

20 year old student from Manchester, UK. Currently studying Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University, hoping to enter a career in journalism in the future. Follow him on twitter, https://twitter.com/joebutters.