5 Reasons Why The MCU Needs Mahershala Ali's Blade

3. To Add More Diversity

Blade Marvel
Marvel Comics

While additions such as Black Panther and his supporting cast, Captain Marvel and the replacing of Steve Rogers with Sam Wilson have all been goo steps toward Marvel having a fully diverse cinematic universe, it is still a little ways off actually achieving that goal.

This is why bringing in more non-white ethnicity heroes like Blade is so necessary, as it helps bring the on-screen universe more in line with the incredibly racially varied comic book one.

Yes, introducing this one character may not exactly fix the issue all on his own, but the more representation of different ethnicities the better - as not everyone in the audience can relate to being white and so bringing in heroes of different races will mean that, eventually, everyone will have someone from the MCU that they can connect with.

Now all Marvel need to do is add in some more LGBTQ+ characters.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!