5 Simple Ways We Can Improve Our Moviegoing Experiences

4. Eagerly Take Part In Debates Regarding The Film

imdb_logoUs film-lovers are a notoriously touchy bunch. We all have strong opinions about what makes a good film, and we're all willing to defend them to the death. That's why you're risking death when you visit the IMDb forums (or any film forum, really). Why? Well, because film forums are populated by a dangerous animal: film lovers with anonymity. Under the cover of our internet pen names, we express our opinions and rip others' opinions to shreds without fear of personal retribution. The above paragraph seems like it's contradicting the heading, but it's not. In fact, the passion that flies on film forums is the reason why you should be visiting said forums constantly. Other film-lovers will eat you for breakfast if you're not both passionate about your opinions and able to defend them. In other words, debating forces you to examine how you really feel about movies and why you feel that way. Such debates force you to become a better film buff. These debates are particularly fun when they discuss to-be-released films. Such debates are the place where you can find convoluted plot theories, complaints over casting choices, etc. and voice our opinions about such things. The more we opine about such in-the-dark details, the more our anticipation for the film will grow.
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Alan Howell is a native of Southern California. He loves movies of any and all kinds, Hollywood, indie, and everywhere in between. He loves pizza, sitcoms, rock and pop music, surfing, baseball, reading, and girls (not necessarily in that order).