5 Surprisingly Realistic Depictions Of Aliens In Movies

3. Ellie's Dad - Contact

Arrival Aliens
Warner Bros.

When researchers pick up a radio signal from deep space, it turns out to be an elaborate instruction on how to build a vehicle capable of intergalactic spaceflight.

The astronaut chosen to embark on this historic voyage, a young astrophile called Ellie, is transported to the other side of the universe where she is welcomed by… her dad?

Well, not exactly. You see, Ellie’s dad died when she was little, and the person welcoming her as the first human to ‘make contact’ is actually an alien who has assumed the likeness of her dad in order to make her, so it proclaims, more comfortable.

While some regarded this reveal a huge letdown, others praised it as a genuinely surprising and original depiction of alien life. Whatever you wanna call it, though, there is no denying the scene is anything but iconic.


Tim Brinkhof hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.