5 Surprisingly Realistic Depictions Of Aliens In Movies

2. The Draags - Fantastic Planet)

Arrival Aliens
Argos Films

Compared to these blue giants from René Laloux's 1973 animated film, the Na’vi of James Cameron’s beloved Avatar are as ordinarily human as the inhabitants of your typical suburban neighborhood.

A technologically advanced, intellectually curious alien species, the Draags originally stumbled upon human beings during their space travels when, due to radical cultural differences and an insurmountable language barrier, they took to treating them as pets rather than fellow sentient life forms.

On the one hand, the Draags resemble us in many ways. They live in a refined society complete with governments, schools and recreational parks, organize themselves in families comprised of mothers, fathers and children, and maintain similar social relations as we do.

On the other, when they go to sleep their legs curl up like a snail’s shell and their eyes change color rather than close. They can alter their anatomy through meditation, and when they get intimate with each other, their spirits float up to a distant star to engage in an elaborate dancing ritual.


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