5 Terrible Fates That Probably Await Famous Movie Characters

4. Ron Weasley - Diabetes

Ronweasley Have you seen how much candy those Hogwarts kids eat? It's kind of ridiculous, but not at all unexpected. Parents ship their kids off to the school via the Hogwarts Express, which has its own dedicated candy cart that patrols the corridors. Because if anyone has the self-restraint to resist candy, it's school age children with no supervision. Next they arrive at the school where they are allowed to take weekend excursions to Hogsmeade, home of yet more candy shops and Butterbeer. And even less supervision. In fact, it seems like Hogsmeade's primary industry is the tourism it gets from young children from Hogwarts, which seems more than a little predatory. This is basically every soft drink or snack manufacturer's dream! If Hogwarts was in America, it'd probably have some corporate sponsor, something like Coca-Cola's Hogwarts. And there'd probably be a Starbucks actually on the grounds. But as it stands, it's a pretty awful setup. Yes, I know Ron came from a poorer family and didn't exactly have a lot of extra cash to spend on candy, but that's exactly why he'll be the one to get diabetes. He seems to have gotten out of his teens without major incident, but after helping defeat Voldemort, he's going to be a celebrity. He's going to finally be able to get all those things he couldn't when he was younger €“ and he will. To excess. I imagine someone is going to post saying you don't get diabetes from sugar, which I acknowledge. But excessive sugar can lead to weight gain and weight gain can increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. Or so says reputable internet websites?

Phillip has attended film school and law school, but film is much more interesting to write about. He currently resides in Houston.