5 Terrible Fates That Probably Await Famous Movie Characters

3. Indiana Jones - Cancer

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull There shouldn't be much explanation necessary here. He hid in a refrigerator to shield himself from an atomic blast in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. After the refrigerator was blasted well clear of the explosion €“ the only piece of debris that seems to have been so lucky €“ he promptly climbs out and walks back towards the mushroom cloud to take in its beauty. Or something. To put this in perspective a bit, after atomic bombs were tested in the United States around the middle of the century, scientific studies showed a significant spike in leukemia and other types of cancer caused by the radioactive fallout €“ even in states downwind. Indy was right at the epicenter of the blast, protected only by a household appliance used to keep food cold. So at this point, it really doesn't matter what Indy does next. He'll have cancer. He'll die from cancer. What's worse, he has cancer in the middle of the 20th century, so he can probably expect a pretty horrific experience. Almost as horrific as sitting through the movie itself. Almost.

Phillip has attended film school and law school, but film is much more interesting to write about. He currently resides in Houston.