1. Every Animal In The Lion King - Poachers
Just recently poachers in Zimbabwe killed over 300 animals by poisoning their drinking water with cyanide. Elephants, hyenas, vultures, lions basically the entire cast of the Lion King dead. And this is just one such report. According to the International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF), ground up rhino horns are worth over $30,000 a pound and a single elephant tusk could be worth more than 10 times the average annual income in some African countries. The fact of the matter is if you get enough animals together in one spot like, say, during the presentation of a newborn lion cub it's a poacher's dream. And a lucrative one at that. Even National Parks aren't safe from the well-armed poachers, as over 450 elephants were slaughtered in Cameroon's Bouba N'Djida National Park in a single year. That's almost 10% of their entire elephant population gone in a single year. So what does this realistically mean? Well, unfortunately, all of your favorite characters likely either ended up as scrimshaw or marketed as an aphrodisiac in Asia. Now you know why Alex the Lion from Madagascar wanted to get back to the zoo so bad. It's dangerous out there.