5 Terrible Movies With Weirdly Awesome Protagonists

1. Get The Gringo

get the gringo Did you know Mel Gibson still makes movies sometimes? One was released in 2012 and it was called Get the Gringo. He co-wrote it and starred as a character named Driver who is imprisoned in Mexico. The movie was really flat and unoriginal. It felt like a retread of a lot of Gibson's older material. The material was never really allowed to shine because the movie never felt like it had an idea worth taking the time to explore. Still, Gibson was back to playing one of his complicated hero/bad guy types a la Payback. He shines in roles like that and brings much needed dark humor. He did that with Get the Gringo. Driver is a dark and mean character that barely opens up by the end of the movie. He's funny, fast, quick, a sometimes clever thief, a survivor and most importantly he does a Clint Eastwood impression. The role and Gibson's performance are enough to make the otherwise unwatchable film worth it. The movie makes one long for more roles by Gibson like this. Now he plays cartoon villains in movies like Machete Kills, but a man's gotta do what it takes to pay the bills I guess.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.