5 Terrible Movies With Weirdly Awesome Protagonists

2. Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd Before Karl Urban put on the famous helmet and was involved in a decent adaptation of the character, Sylvester Stallone felt the need to be Judge Dredd on the big screen. Fans were in an uproar when they watched the movie. It had almost no relation to the comics or the character. It was a campy action movie and Dredd barely even wore his helmet! The film scored 18% on Rotten Tomatoes and was one of Stallone's biggest flops in theaters. He's even admitted to the film being a complete misfire. However, one has to admit that Stallone is a pretty good pick for Dredd. He's got the jawline, the build and the voice. Despite not wearing the helmet and the movie going in some weird directions, the makers couldn't help letting some of the true character of Dredd come through. The movie worked best when we got a sense of Dredd's loyalty to a tyrannical law and his personality being completely defined by his sense of justice. The movie may be terrible, but I couldn't help but wish someone plucked Stallone and Dredd out of it and threw them into a quieter and darker movie. They would have shined. Dredd's a cool character and even Judge Dredd couldn't destroy that fact.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.