5 Things James Gunn Just Revealed About Guardians Of The Galaxy 2

2. He Knows What's Happening For Infinity War (But Not For Guardians 3)

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Inevitably, the question of sequels came up: when asked about the possibility of a third film, and having to introduce a narrative device to bring in a third volume mix tape, Gunn said he doesn't actually know whether he's doing a third film yet.

He was also asked about whether he'll be working with the Guardians in Infinity War, admitting that he does know how the team (or some of them) will fit in, but that he's not able to let on just yet. It sounds more positive than negative though, and we already have soft confirmation that at least Star-Lord will turn up. Who else does is surely just a matter of time and confirmation...

And on a similar question, a fan asked whether he'd be keen to do a Nova Corps film, since it was him who brought the characters into the MCU. Again, he wasn't in the mood to rule it out, saying "we'll see..." mysteriously. That would be a hell of a thing.


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