5 Things Robert Pattinson Needs to Know About Lawrence of Arabia

1. He Was An Outstanding Storyteller

Euphemism? Perhaps, yes! Charlotte Shaw, wife of the legendary Bernard Shaw and longtime friend of Lawrence, once said of him €œHe€™s such an infernal liar!€ Thankfully her husband managed to muster a contradiction of this by saying that he wasn€™t a liar but instead €œhe€™s an actor!€ Both Mr and Mrs Shaw make it into Lawrence€™s dedicatory thanks in Seven Pillars of Wisdom, for which you don€™t need to look much further than Wikipedia for a list of much-debated discrepancies. The book€™s a weighty tome in meaning and matter but it€™s been the subject of derision and debate for decades. How long it took to get across the Sinai Peninsula, how many people was he really arrested by after he illegally excavated a site, how he couldn€™t have possibly met Bob there since Bob had been dead for decades. OK that last one we made up but you get the point. Yet the fact that he never wanted, or accepted, any money from the sale of the book shows that he may have fiddled some facts but his motives certainly weren€™t directed towards bettering his own situation beyond leaving a diamond legacy. It may not be too much to ask that a little poetic license be afforded to a man whose confirmed deeds outweigh those of most. Now, considering this is a film about a lady who was undoubtedly inspired by Lawrence (and vice versa, of course) a scene showing just how inspiring Lawrence could be wouldn€™t be too much of a stretch of the imagination. Pattinson explaining the beauty of this desert at sunset, or the majesty of that little-known tribal leader with whom he€™d shared an adventure or seven, treated with the proper selfless adulation of others which Lawrence commanded would definitely bring a new and interesting aspect of his character to light which neither Fiennes nor O€™Toole ever really managed. Ultimately, the choice of an actor more famed for his looks than his acting, to play T. E. Lawrence is not a good sign. The slightly effeminate sharpness to Pattinson€™s physique strikes of yet another labouring of the point of a great man€™s sexuality. But if Herzog and Pattinson manage to get past that, manage to portray the man€™s rugged determination, his strength of will and sheer endurance in the face of harsh nature and deplorable odds, then there€™s a chance that €˜Queen of the Desert€™ may be an excellent day for the memory of an outstanding man and a miraculous woman.

A. J. S. Scott was created as a homunculus by a mad English Alchemist who was trying to make rum from ink and seawater. He is still a fan of both and he has no comment on what happened to all the ‘No Exit’ signs in Islington Underground Station when he visited for Beltaine. You can send him missives by bribing the Right Raven with sour-strings, or: Instagram: @ajsscott Tumblr: andrew-scott-things.tumblr.com