5 Things That Must Be The Future of Horror Movies

3. Actual Human Beings as Characters

People are disposable in horror movies - or at least they are now. Long gone are the days when our leads used to get development and character stories, backgrounds that we could relate to - now all we get are the single-note stereotypes that have five minutes of dialogue that amounts to nothing but barely fleshed and talking people that we can't even really relate to. Something I'd love to see would these characters becoming more than their stereotypes - the cheerleader whose body issues are more than an insulting one-liner joke, the jock who tries to be a good guy, the goth girl who's an awesome listener and compassionate or the character of colour who has a life and a character of colour that doesn't rely on racial stereotypes. Films like Cabin in the Woods have rectified this in the past, but still, it'd be pretty cool to see real people in these unreal situations.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.